At Hoyland Common Primary School, we want all our pupils to achieve and experience successes in all aspects of their life. Disadvantage is not a barrier to achievement and Pupil Premium funding is used to effectively diminish differences and accelerate progress to support high aspirations for all.   Our aim is that there be no difference in the achievements, academic or otherwise, between any groups of our pupils and to do this, we aim to ensure that all our pupils have access to high quality teaching of a progressively challenging, broad and balanced curriculum.

“Good teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Using the Pupil Premium to improve teaching quality benefits all students and has a particularly positive effect on children eligible for the Pupil Premium.” (Education Endowment Foundation).

In addition to high quality teaching, we will select a small and focused number of strategies that we identify will have the greatest impact upon our pupils. These interventions are delivered by highly trained staff to ensure progress is ensured.  We aim to ensure that our Pupil Premium Strategy underpins and enhances the school’s overall strategic aims and planning.

Funding will also support the wider family and community issues such as attendance and a pro-active approach to pastoral support.  We also aim to raise aspiration within our school community so every child can make the most of the opportunities with which they are provided.

The identified barriers and challenges for our children are:

  • Poor speaking, listening and communication skills on entry to EYFS
  • Some children’s wellbeing is poor and the households in which they live may have poor aspirations and employment rates are low.
  • Historically, more able disadvantaged pupils do not achieve as well as non-disadvantaged pupils
  • Disadvantaged children’s attendance rates are traditionally not as high as their non-disadvantaged peers
  • School closures, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, have resulted in gaps in learning for some pupils

School leaders will be monitoring the impact of the spending plan throughout the academic year through, good or better quality teaching, termly work scrutiny, pupil progress/moderation challenge meetings, as well as monitoring of attendance and strategies to support with input from the Education Welfare Officer. The impact of the monitoring process is then reported to governors termly via the head teachers report. A yearly impact review of the pupil premium spending plan is carried out.

PP Strategy September 2023

Train to teach