We are incredibly excited to share some news about Hoyland Common Primary School! As part of our commitment to providing our learners with essential skills, experiences, and opportunities for life, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of primary education. In pursuit of this vision, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming development of a groundbreaking learning space within our school: The STEM Room. We’re aiming to be the first primary school in the U.K to introduce a dedicated workshop and STEM Room MakerSpace, which is something typically associated with secondary schools, however we value the opportunities that this will provide our pupils as we aim to foster curiosity, creativity, and aspirations in all of our students. This innovative space will empower children to build, construct, and program freely, all while honing crucial collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills. The possibilities are limitless, and this is set to shape the problem solvers of the future, nurturing mathematical, design, engineering, and critical thinking skills!

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey, and if you see opportunities to support our endeavors, please reach out! Together, let’s make The STEM Room a reality and inspire the next generation of thinkers and creators.

Below is a list of items that we are hoping to source for the project and ways in which you may be able to support us:

  • Structural wood
  • Sheet material (MDF/OSB/hardwood/worktop)
  • Suitable wood to fabricate cupboard/shelving storage units
  • Handheld tools (hammers, hacksaws, sanding paper, tape measure)
  • Power tools (cordless drill, jigsaw, electric sander)
  • Safety equipment (children gloves, ear defenders, eye protection)
  • Workbench vices (side mounted vices)
  • Accessories (screws, nails, drill bits, jigsaw bits, nuts, bolts, washers)
  • Programmable devices
  • Circuit components (LEDS, buzzers, wiring, battery packs, batteries, motors)
  • UPDATE: July 2024 – What is this I hear you say?

    UPDATE: June 2024 – Wates, Barnsley used lots of their staffs volunteering hours to build us a range of useful work benches for the STEM room. (photos to follow)

    UPDATE: April 2024 – We hosted Amazelab in our STEM room for a workshop and an interview with SheffNews along with a generous donation from Naylor – read about the Naylor Donation here: https://www.scci.org.uk/news/naylor-support-hoyland-common-primary-schoolandamp;-s-innovation-hub-andamp;-makerspace-project/

    Also read about it here: https://shefnews.co.uk/index.php/2024/05/09/award-winning-barnsley-steam-group-wins-an-innovation-award/

UPDATE: 26/02/24 – We’ve received our first movable workstation, this has been assembled and will work perfectly, another order has now been placed – we’re looking forward to having this delivered as that’s the main bulk of the furnishings. We’ve also got some exciting meetings lined up this week with individuals and companies who are interested in supporting our journey.

UPDATE: 07/02/24 – We’ve received our first furniture order! Take a look at these work benches, they’ll be used to house our pillar drill and other high-voltage adult-supervised tools and then we have a multipurpose storage bench for storing our tool boxes.

START: 05/01/24 – The STEM Room has been fully finished from a ‘usability’ point of view, the flooring has been replaced, excess power sockets removed and Dave has repainted the entire space, it’s looking fresh and ready for to be worked on!

Train to teach